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The firm employs a combination of skilled lawyers, often with local language knowledge (Arabic) and attorneys fluent in English , French , German or Russian language. This blend of expertise in multiple jurisdictions is what makes the firm unique.

We are focused on building strong relationships with our clients, our people, our industry sectors and wider communities. 

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We advise overseas and domestic clients on a wide range of corporate issues, Mergers&Acquisitions and general corporate work.


We offer wide range of services – drafting, negotiations,  advising on set-up strategies, and obtaining licenses.


We provide prompt, practical and cost-effective employment advice to our domestic and international clients.

Real Estate

We advice on all aspects of the real estate sector – whether you are a seller, buyer, or financier of real estate projects.

Intellectual Property

We assist domestic and global organizations in safeguarding their IPs (trademarks, copyrights, designs and patents) in Egypt.

Dispute Resolution  : Litigation ,  Arbitration , Mediation

Our team has vast litigation, arbitration and investigations capabilities to identify the best path forward.


Criminal Law & Civil Law

Our team under the supervision of our Managing Partner Amir Elayouby " Ex Chief Judge " has vast criminal & civil law capabilities to identify the best path forward.

Data & Technology

We have extensive expertise advising on fintech, digital transformation, technology transfer deals, licensing, outsourcing and data privacy matters.

Trade & Customs

We help with transfer pricing, international taxation, customs-related issues, tax deductions, and international sales of goods.

Legal Drafting And Contracts Reviewal

We offer end-to-end services in drafting and reviewing of contracts. We draft and review varied contracts and agreements etc.

Energy Sector

We provide legal services to the gas and oil sector in MEA region which includes the drafting and revision of contracts related to this sector

Feasibility Studies

We provide economical Feasibility studies tailored to the Middle East and Africa with a deep local market understanding based on a global perspective



                         OUR PRIVACY POLICY

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